Mission Statement

Our ministry will communicate that God is the architect of the marriage institution, and the Bible is its blueprint. We will encourage all marriages to seek health and wholeness. We will challenge broken and shattered marriages to be reconstructed and restored by bringing hope and healing through God’s Word.

I Still do

To my bae, Dawn

It’s been 21 years since we said the words “I do.” Since that day, I’ve been living out the true meaning of those words. It has been a journey that is hard to describe in words except to say I would do it all over again. You are the greatest blessing that God has given me. Thank you for being a wife who is committed to Christ and our marriage. Thank you for showing me what true love is all about. And finally, thank you for being who you are. So, each day when I wake up and see your beautiful face, I get to live “I Do” all over again. I will do so until Christ says, “well done”. Until then, I “still” Do.

Love, Your hubby, Dario

Staying Together

Staying together takes "Work" but this "Work" doesn't have to be hard. It can be fun and exciting.
Click "View More Photos" below to see couples who enjoyed this kind of work.

What they say about us

  • After one year of financial planning and coaching with the Palmer's, we went from almost selling our house and luxury car to paying off our car, buying an additional car in cash, paying off credit cards and student loan debt, and starting a college saving plan for our children. And in less than 4 years, if we stick to the plan, we will own the home we almost sold!
    Mike and Rosa Berry
  • As a couple that was already on the right path and making smart decisions, we grew tremendously as a result of their counseling! They were able to highlight our problem areas from God’s perspective while providing solutions to any potential red flags that could come up in the future. Three years and a baby later, we still seek their advice on any marital or financial bumps in the road before they become bigger problems. We are so thankful to have The Palmers in our lives!
    Jermaine and Deborah Walden
  • This marriage counseling with the Palmers has been such a phenomenal blessing and experience. We would like to say thank you to Mr. and Mrs. Palmer, for their revelatory exercises and words of wisdom, that has helped align some our most traumatic experiences in our life to the Word of God; to bring forth some of the most beautiful moments of our life together as one. Thank you both once again, for your love and covering at this time. You both are awesome!
    Anthony Rolle & Marilyn Rolle